Property 3442
7ha (17 acres) with River Frontage and Rolling Hills in the Nicoya Peninsula Price: 90,000 USD
7ha (17 acres) with River Frontage and Rolling Hills in the Nicoya Peninsula Price: 90,000 USD
1,2ha (3 acre) with Orange Trees and River access on the Nicoya Peninsula Pricee: 40,000 USD
7,5ha (18 acres) with River and Waterfall on the Nicoya Peninsula Price: 90.000 USD
6753m2 (1.6 acres) with Fruit Trees and amazing Views on the Nicoya Peninsula Price: 78,000 USD
4000m2 (1 acre) lot with oranges and gorgeous views of the Nicoya Peninsula Price: 90,000 USD
5ha (12 acres) with giant trees, creeks, and waterfalls on the Nicoya Peninsula Price: 120.000 USD
5,4ha (13 acres) with Oranges, great views and a historic wooden house Price: 220,000 USD
5000m2 (1.2 acres) with amazing views on the Nicoya Peninsula Price: 65,000 USD
151ha (373 acres) Farm with Forest, Teak Plantation and a big House Price: 1,300,000 USD
5000m2 (1.2 acre) Lots only 5 minutes from beautiful San Miguel Beach Price: 19 USD/m2
3ha (7 acre) with Oranges and Riverfront on the Nicoya Peninsula Price: 90,000 USD
7ha (17 acre) with pleasant Valley views and two Streams near Hojancha Price: 200,000 USD
3ha (7 acre) Property with Orange Plantation on the Nicoya Peninsula Price: 65,000 USD
4,5ha (11 acres) with teak plantation, spring, and creek on the Nicoya Peninsula Price: 95.000 USD
1ha (2,4 acre) property with nice topography and pleasant views near the Beach Price: 130.000USD
167ha(414acre) diverse agriculture property on the Nicoya Peninsula Price: 1.500.000USD
136ha(336acre) Farm with waterfall and amazing views of the Nicoya Peninsula Price: 680.000 USD
3ha (7.5acres) farm in the mountains of the Nicoya Peninsula Price: 100.000 USD
38ha (95 acres) farm on the Nicoya Peninsula with 2 big waterfalls Price: 630.000USD
6.5acres with waterfall and little house Price: 65.000USD$